The Graceful Lens

The Journal

A Moment to Breathe

Sometimes we are so caught up in pursuing the future that we become blinded to all that we have accomplished–failing to see the beauty of the moment we are in. Our hears fill with worry instead of celebrating the joy of the present. It takes discipline to focus on the here and now. There is power in living in the moment–seeing, feeling and experiencing all that is around you. It allows us to be creative, passionate and energetic. So after one of the most difficult schools years full of so many obstacles, take a moment to celebrate all that you have overcome, the “wins” you have accomplished and the beauty of the now. Take time to breathe, relax, reflect, and then step forward knowing tomorrow is another day to celebrate the gift of life that we all have in the present.

“Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering!”

Andrea Reiser
Teen girl with red colored hair against a graffiti wall.
Teen girl with red colored hair against graffiti wall.
Teen girl brushing hands through hair in front of a graffiti wall.
Teen girl with red colored hair against a blue graffiti wall.
Teen girl with red colored hair against a graffiti wall.
Teen girl with red colored hair against a graffiti wall.

314 265-5965